Death on Site

Got to site late this morning, my driver had been stopped by the cops for out of date car tax.
I was greeted by the news that the one legged man in the picture, was lying dead between the footpath and the site fence, and a hoard of his relatives had appeared out of the woodwork to mourn.
We had been worried about the guy as we had not seen him for a few days, but he re appeared yesterday. He had been asking one of the crew for money, the guy from the crew said he would buy him food, but he declined the offer and said he wanted whiskey.
This morning he was curled up as though asleep (contradicting the story from some people that the cops had shot him for stealing. Our experience of him was as a pretty harmless and un threatening little guy).
Some of the crew had been speaking to the relatives, Apparently the guy was a refugee from Cape Verde. The crew guessed he was mid to late forties, so quite old by local standards.
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