A Day of Rest

The Crew were not working to day, so we took the opportunity to go to Mussulo, a sand spit off the coast to the south of Luanda.
There is a resort run by Jembas, the “Onjango”, I think it means baobab.
The morning was cool and overcast, however the sun came through around mid day and the feeling was a bit like a warm September’s day in Britain.
The speedboat ride across to the resort is a real stress buster, you leave the grime, the traffic and the hassles of Luanda behind, and enjoy the beach and the coconut palms.
We shared the boat with a party of nuns, who all crossed themselves as we set off.
The trip was well worth while, and, I’ve finally got into reading “The unbearable lightness of being”. Patty gave me it shortly after we first met, and I’ve started it several times, but ‘am ashamed to say that I never got very far.
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