Blogs that I visit.

People who know me know that I shoot, my source blog is therefore Alphecca, run By Jeff Sawyer, who describes himself as a “Gay gun nut” The content though is mostly shooting rather than gay orientated, and very well written. (
Jeff’s list of links is superb, they are in alphabetical order and open in new windows, so there is no messing about with back tracking.
From Alphecca, my route is normally to “Irons in the fire” a blacksmithing and shooting blog. Firehand writes very personally, and I find his blog totally addictive.
John Lott is a professional researcher into gun crime, firearms controls and media bias, he presents an authoritative commentary on current issues affecting gun ownership, use, abuse and legislation.
Xavier Thoughts is a blog by a gun carrying nurse. One of Xavier’s specialities is “idiots with guns” which serves to high-light poor gun handling. Xavier is also one of (if not the) keenest minds in gun blogging.
The bitch girls.
This one is a lot of fun, it would piss off anyone with left of center politics, but hell, it’s good...
The photo is totally irrelevant, it shows a little bit of private enterprise in a socialist state. One of the guys in the slum, collects sand from the site in a plastic bucket and is making concrete building blocks out of it. If it gets a few essentials for his family, I'm all for it. If it buys Cuca (a cheap beer), I suppose he's worked for it.
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