Thursday, July 27, 2006

A New Helper

The security guy came to site today and between us, we cleaned out all of the remaining services. That's more work than young George did in over a week.

The critters living in those holes were varied. We were expecting and got lots of big cockroaches. We managed to save one big centipede, but another was getting just too dangerous, so it got killed (it was about 12mm diameter and 100mm long) there was also a long skinny black baby snake that we tried to get out, but it ended up looking too dangerous to handle. I haven't a clue what it was, so didn't take the risk. The geko was out and away in a flash.

It's probably just my imagination, but I can still smell the runny human turds that were all around that area. I know that many of the people don't have access to a home toilet, and public facilities are none existent, but I think that smell will always remind me of Loo-anda.

Sorry, it's getting late...

Another brighter note, the second rig that the fat controller has been promising me finally arrived at 6 pm tonight.. Who knows? the project might just finish on time.


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