Road safety 2 and a quiet day

It's been a quiet day, not a lot to report.
I pissed all the other males around the breakfast table off with a monologue about cultures where the females, do all of the work, earn the money, have a pregnancy every year, do the house work, child rearing, cooking, cleaning, make the clothes etc, while the males make the important decisions ("I'll have another pint if your buying").
On the subject of hard working males, George, my helper appears to have given up on coming to work, his mate, the security guard, who recommended him is very embarassed, and will be coming instead.
The guy who comissioned the ground investigation is back from leave and looking for info, so it looks like a few busy evenings writing up (no, I don't drink, but I can have a photo uploading while I work).
Here's another shot of a roadworthy vehicle (that is, roadworthy by Angolan standards, the shot might be veiwable by imagination only if the net stays as slow as it is now).
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