My Security Guys weren't going to be out done.

I showed my security guys the picture of the guys with AKs, and one signalled that he would like to have his photo taken. He then reached inside his shirt and out came a rather pitted, but well boot blacked, work issue Tokarev!
I didn't know he had that!
When he posed for the photo, he was very good at not allowing the muzzle to point at anything, the hammer was down and, I don't know if it will be visable on the uploaded shot, but his finger was along side the trigger guard.
I like this guy. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at the safe gun handling and the well maintained state of the old pistol. The pitting obviously was not this man's doing.
It was a real contrast to the dry and rusty state of many of the police side arms that I've seen on display.
Help! how do you rotate a picture?
Use MS Photo Editor... load picture... go to Image... Crop/Resize/Rotate... viola!
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