Wednesday, August 02, 2006

and just when everything seemed to be going well

At the weekend it looked like I was going to be finishing on time, however, I've had my second rig taken away again and it is looking like turning into a last minute rush.

My flights have been re scheduled, and it looks like next week before I fly out.

Albert, my drill supervisor is being taken away from me as well, he is going to a big over water job on the other side of Latin Africa, so we said our good byes this evening. It has been a pleasure working with him.

I've learned a lot from him, he's years past the official retiring age, and he grew up in an aparthied South Africa, classified as a "none white", so he has recounted tales of stopping at the side of a road to look at his map and having a cop appear with a tape measure, to tell him that he is being arrested for being however many centimetres inside a "whites only" area without the relevant pass.

He said a lot more about academic subjects that were not allowed to be taught to black children, the resentment of black children at having to be taught in Afrikaans, and the job descrimination and reservation based on race and enforced by law.

I Haven't met the guy who is replacing him on my site, so tomorrow should be an interesting day.


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